Topics / Local Industry
Topics / Local Industry
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Griffydam is a small hamlet in North West Leicestershire and is located in the parish of Worthington.
The name of the village of Griffydam is thought to originate from Old Norse “gryfja” (cleft/valley) and Old English “dammer” (dam). There are also historical references to “Griffith’s dam”. This suggests that a “small” settlement probably developed as far back as the time of the Viking invasion of 873.
To discover more about the history of our village go to TOPICS, TIMELINE, follow the HERITAGE TRAIL..... or view the Book Publications via the link below, from which we have taken may extracts for this website with the kind permission of the author Samuel T Stewart.

As part of the North West Leicestershire Hello Heritage Event in September 2025, we are planning to hold and exhibition on 'Pubs In Griffydam And Nearby Villages'.
Griffydam once had 4 pubs, all which have disappeared, the last once closing in 2013.
Further details about this exhibition will be coming soon.

Many thanks to everyone who attended our Wartime Memories Exhibition on Saturday 8th June 2024. We had lots of visitors and really appreciate all your positive feedback and comments.
For those who were unable to attend on the day, we have produced a book of the exhibition display boards.
If you are interested in purchasing the book it is available for £7.50. To find out more please contact us on or via our Contact form
This rare token has been kindly donated to us by Nigel Lee Foskett who found it wth a metal detector in Hall Lane Whitwick about 10 years ago. If there is a date on the token it is difficult to decipher but we know from newspaper reports that the Griffydam Society was in operation in 1876. The fact it just has "Griffydam Co-operative Society" around the perimeter suggests that it was most likely a trading society operated from a co-operative shop in the village. These tinned iron or zinc tokens were issued to members equal to the sum they spent in the store. They would be retained by the member until the quarterly or half yearly dividend was declared when they would be redeemed for cash depending on how profitable the co-operative was. For example, if the dividend was declared at 2 shillings in the pound then £1 in purchases (represented by the One Pound token) would result in the customer getting 2 shillings in coin of the realm. There was a risk with metal tokens that some of the higher value tokens might be forged which could cause societies to struggle financially. As a result, some societies stopped using metal tokens in exchange for a paper counterfoil system and by the 20th century plastic tokens had come into use. Further information can be found here>>