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Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
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Topics / Streets & Houses / Brand Farm
Brand Farm
Brand Farm is located on Lower Brand which was originally known as Vinegar Hill. At that time the farm was known as Vinegar Hill Yard Farm.
For many years, from 1939 through to the 1980s, Charlie Wright was a dairy farmer at Brand Farm, delivering milk, initially in churns and by horse and float, to the surrounding villages.
The fresh water supply for the community of homes on Lower brand was a well which still can be seen in the front of Brand Farm. This was still the water supply until the late 1940’s when mains water was installed to the properties.
Around the same time electricity was also brought to the village and along Lower Brand, although the area had to wait until 1962 for the village to be connected to the main sewage system.
The original settlement at Vinegar Hill contained far more properties than at present, as can be seen from this aerial photograph taken in 1957 where the remains of several cottages can be seen.
Brand Farm and Cottages 1957
Charlie Wright on his milk round