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Topics / Local Industry
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Streets & Houses / John Haywood's House
John Haywood's House
This was the house of John Haywood Yeoman. He married Mary Hodges on 29th Dec 1755 and they had six children. John died in 1812 and Mary died in 1818 aged 86 and is buried at Breedon.
The property is located on Elder Lane, Griffydam. At the time of the 1806 inclosure Act, they acquired the house and field and other inclosures and property in the village as shown below, indicating that they were relatively affluent.
From the 1806 inclosure schedule:-
To John Haywood
· An intake called Silvester House Close
· No.212 on Griffy Dam containing 2 roods 2 perch
· An intake called Swan’s Meadow No.213 on Griffy Dam containing 1 acre 36 perch
· An intake called Dye House Close No.214 on Griffy Dam containing 1 acre 20 perch
· An intake called Crabtree Close No.211 on Griffy Dam containing 1 acre
· 3 acres 1 rood 20 perch No.110 on Breedon Brand (not in Griffydam at that time)
At that time he was described as a Coal Hauler but finds of medieval Ticknall Ware indicates that this property had been occupied by Pedlars for centuries. The house and outbuildings would be used for stabling pack ponies and storage.

Photo of John Haywood’s house taken in 1996 prior to the property being demolished