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Newspaper Articles


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Leicester Mercury – December 16th 1848


Providence Day School.

The first anniversary of this school took place in the Wesleyan Chapel, at the village, on Tuesday. There was a public examination of the scholars in the afternoon, which spoke well for the system on which they are educated. At the close of the examination, a large number of friends of the institution sat down for tea, which was furnished gratuitously by a few friends, so that the whole proceeds was donated to the school funds. After tea, a public meeting was held, when addresses on the subject of education were delivered by several ministers and others of the Wesleyan body. The whole proceedings excited great interest in the neighbourhood, and there is no doubt the institution will be benefited by them.

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Leicester Journal – July 23rd 1858

Association for awarding prizes for schools in the mining districts.


Due to the length of this report it is not possible to include it all, but a brief synopsis can be found below due to its social history importance.


The second annual distribution of prizes to the successful candidates taught in the schools in this association, being the children only of miners or persons employed in connection with mines, took place last Saturday in the Trinity Church school room, considerately lent by the Rev. E. M. Wade for that purpose. Sixty three candidates (41 boys, 22 girls) presented themselves from the under mentioned schools:-


                                                Boys                              Girls

Riddings                                     4                                    2

Ironville                                     11                                  11

Ilkeston                                       1                                   2

Coalville and Snibstone              1                                   1

Coleorton                                    2

Claycross                                    6                                   8

Ravenstone                                 4

Griffydam                                     1

Wastwood                                  11                                  1

                        Total                   41                                22


The new regulations restricts that all candidates must be the children of parents being actually coal miners or workmen employed about such mines: the children, therefore, of farmers, tradesmen, artisans, and labourers not connected with the above mentioned works, were excluded from competing for the prizes. The average age of the boys was 11 years 6 months; that of the girls 12 years 1 month.


Their conduct during the whole of the examination was highly satisfactory, no attempts were made at copying, all were very neatly dressed, and their behaviour everything that could be desired. The appearance presented by the children was that of a number of candidates for pupil teacherships.


Of these 63 candidates, 20 had obtained a prize in 1857. They were examined in reading, writing from dictation, and in simple and compound rules; the girls were examined in needlework: those who competed for the higher prizes were expected to work sums in the higher rules of arithmetic, in grammar and in geography.

            The prizes were distributed in the following proportions:-

                        Riddings                         £8

                        Ironville                         £25

                        Ilkeston                           £1

                        Coalville                          £1

                        Snibstone                        £1

                        Coleorton                       £1  10s.

                        Claycross                       £13

                        Ravenstone                     £1

                        Griffydam                        £1

                        Eastwood                       £16


With the exception of Coleorton, all the schools who have furnished candidates are under inspection, and have been for some time; we are therefore acquainted with their condition. The successful candidates were then called up, and money prizes given to them, amounting in the aggregate of £75, together with a beautiful card (which no doubt will adorn many cottage home, and be pointed at with a feeling of pleasure and pride), signed by the Chairman. Thirteen smaller cards, certificates of merit, were also given out, the Chairman, in presenting them, saying he hoped they would be a prelude to success next year. The prizes were distributed as follows:-


Local Children Only

            Coalville                         Martha Massey                          £1

            Coleorton                       Robert Lakin                              £1

            Coleorton                       George Bacon                           £1

            Ravenstone                    George green                            £1

            Ravenstone                    W. H. L. Lakin                            £1

            Griffydam                      Abner Webster                            £1

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Leicester Chronicle – February 9th 1884

Griffydam Wesleyan Day School

The committee of this school, engaged the services of Mr. James Young, who preached two sermons on Sunday last to attentive congregations. On the following Monday evening Mr. Young delivered a lecture in the schoolroom, subject, “Humbugs”. The chair was taken by Mr. B. Cheatle, of Ashby de la Zouch. Collections were taken to defray the current expenses of the day school.

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Leicester Chronicle – April 25th 1891

Griffydam School Sermons

In connection with the Wesleyan Day School, the annual services in aid of the school funds were held in the chapel on Sunday and Monday, when addresses were given by Miss ??rewater, of London. On Sunday afternoon Miss Brewster took as her subject “Ruth, or woman’s influence”, while the subject on Sunday evening was “The home at Bethany”. The subject on Monday night was “The beautiful in the life of Joseph”. The congregations were good.

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Leicester Chronicle – December 19th 1896

Coalville Police Court, Friday

Before Canon Beaumont (in the chair), Rev. C. T. Moore, Mr. Jno. P. White, Mr. Jas Smith, Major Hatchett and

Mr. W. D. Stableford.


James Springthorpe and Peter King, colliers, Griffydam, were summoned for neglecting to send their children to school. – Mr. Sale, school attendance officer, prosecuted, and defendants were fined 5s. each including costs.

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