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Topics / Local Industry / Coal Mining / Staunton & Worthington




The original name of this mine was “Staunton Colliery”, although it was known by other names such as “Worthington Clash” and the “Newbold Glory Mine”. It is marked A on the map. The mine was originally sunk and opened in 1885 by John Lakin. 


Presumably, the colliery was developed on this site due to its proximity to the Midland Railway line. However, there was thought to be some industrial activity on this site at that time, most likely associated with brick making.


The site was highly unfavourable in several respects, lying close to the Thringstone Fault, and the outcrop of the Trias. All the strata dipped steeply, and in fact, were vertical on the eastern side of the workings. The difficulty of mining was greatly increased by the presence of numerous old hollows filled with water. It was conditions such as this that contributed to the following disaster only eighteen months after the colliery was opened (see link to Fatalities on Coal Mining page)


It is thought that the colliery became known as the “Newbold Glory” mine for the following reason. When The Leicestershire and South Derbyshire Miners Associations was formed in 1887, Colliery Lodges were established around the district, which elected officials who were responsible for organising union activities at the colliery etc. One lodge, Newbold Glory, was discontinued as a lodge of the Association in February 1890 for returning to work during a wages dispute, but was re-admitted in March 1892. It is assumed that this is how the pit was referred to as “Newbold Glory”. The output of the colliery was small, as it generally employed no more than 30 men.


The 1896 list of mines in the Midland District shown previously, confirm that the colliery employed 26 surface and 8 underground workers at that time, and only household and manufacturing coal was being mined from the Middle Lount Seam. The manager at that time was James Richards. He was also recorded as being the under manager in 1897 with 25 underground miners working the Middle Lount Seam and 8 surface workers.


A colliery described as Staunton Colliery is shown on the 1903 O/S map alongside “Newbold Brick Co Ltd”.  It is thought that the colliery closed c.1910. According to Colin Owen’s book, Lakins executors had, at the end of the nineteenth century, already sold Staunton Colliery to “The Leicestershire Colliery and Pipe Co. Ltd” of “Sutton and Company”. They eventually constructed the large sanitary pipe company nearby, and presumably ran the brickworks on the site which eventually became known as “Newbold Brickworks”.


British Coal records show that outcropping / open casting was carried out extensively around the site of Staunton Colliery at one time.




Following the takeover, and subsequent closure of Staunton Colliery by “The Leicestershire Colliery and Pipe Co. Ltd”, they still found it expedient to raise coal on the site. The author feels confident that the following information, combined with the records of the three shafts marked B on the map which are listed as belonging to “Worthington Colliery”, proves the existence of this new colliery.


Further evidence is shown on the 1923 O/S map which shows “Worthington Colliery”. This colliery had an upcast shaft and a downcast shaft. It is thought that the third shaft shown on the earlier map was a “bull shaft”, used to pump water into from the pit bottom which was then discharged out of this shaft, presumably into the stream to the south.


Some of the following information was taken from the healeyhero website:-

The mine was sunk in 1911 and the main seam opened Jan 1912. The workings in this seam were very uncertain and it would appear that there are no known surveys of the workings to be able to plot same, therefore all works in that seam to be treated with suspicion


Mining on the site was finally abandoned in 1919, putting 200 colliers out of work, but both shafts were kept open until the 1940’s to maintain a check on water levels.




We have no real evidence about this pit, except that two shafts were sunk in this exact locality, and are recorded as such in Coal records. However, the following appears on the healeyhero website, and the author believes that this was possibly referring to these shafts, although clearly the colliery could only have been working for a few months if this information is correct :-

Colliery’s sunk or opened in 1901

Lount (The Lount Brick and Sanitary Pipe Co Ltd) - Main, Smoile and Fireclay. Under manager W. Cooper 4/3.

Colliery’s closures in 1901

Lount Brickworks Pit (The Lount Brick and Sanitary Pipe Co Ltd.)

Main seam, mouth and 5 yards (4.5m) deep shaft - AJA Orchard Surveyor.



newbold worthington colliery map.jpg

An recent map showing the various coal mining shafts that were sunk on the old “Newbold Pipeworks” site. The shafts marked A, B, C are accurately located on the map

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