Topics / Local Industry
Topics / Local Industry
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Topics / Lost Buildings / Providence Chapel
Households = 46 (plus 5 unoccupied).
People: Total 210 (Males=112, Females=98)
Ages: 15 & Under = 89, Over 60 = 16
80 people are listed as having a profession or trade and it is assumed all were employed at the time.
The Waggon & Horses and adjacent house are still not included by the enumerator for some reason. Also houses on Vinegar Hill should have been included in this census.
There was a 41% reduction in inhabited properties from 1851.
49 out of the 80 people listed as having a trade or profession are connected with the coal mining industry. We can see from the census breakdowns, that without the local coal mining industry, Griffydam could not have survived as a hamlet, as people would have needed to migrate elsewhere to seek work in order to support their families.
There are no paupers listed.
Professions and trades:
Where a person is listed as having more than 1 trade each trade has been counted in the numbers above
1901 Census Records